Frequently Asked Questions


What is the Huurcommissie and how long does a procedure take?

The Rent Commission is a government agency that can issue a binding ruling on the amount of the bare rent, defects and the payment obligation for service charges.

The landlord must abide by the Rent Commission's ruling. To obtain a binding ruling, Bumarang initiates proceedings at the Rent Commission on behalf of the tenant. Bumarang acts as an agent in these proceedings. The work and costs of the proceedings at the Rent Commission shall be at the expense and risk of Bumarang. Proceedings at the Rent Commission take an average of seven months.

Are the procedures at Bumarang anonymous?

The procedure conducted by Bumarang focuses on your rental agreement. The landlord or mediator will be informed that you have used our services. Bumarang will provide only the necessary data to the landlord. This means that only your name will be provided. Bumarang will make it clear to the landlord or intermediary that he only needs to contact us about the procedures.

What happens to my information after I provide it to Bumarang?

Bumarang will handle your data with care. If Bumarang cannot make you an appropriate offer, you will be informed immediately. Then your data will be removed from our database.

Are there any risks I should consider?

No, there are no risks to consider. Bumarang always bears the cost of the procedures. We check carefully in advance whether you qualify for our services.
Only when we are convinced of this, we start a procedure. As a tenant you are very well protected in the Netherlands. This means that the landlord cannot terminate the contract because you start a procedure.

Most contracts are open-ended with a minimum rental period of one year. This means that the landlord can only terminate the contract in very exceptional cases. The landlord is bound by legal grounds for termination. These include structural rent arrears or persistent nuisance. This is almost never the case.

Some contracts do allow the landlord to terminate the contract after one or two years. If this is the case, it will be stated in the lease. If you start the procedure within this fixed period, chances are that the contract will not be extended.

Before we start proceedings, we always take a good look at your rental contract. We then inform you in detail about your rights and obligations. This way you know exactly where you stand. To avoid ambiguities, we advise you to contact us first before you contact your landlord yourself.

My landlord has terminated the lease but I don't want to move out. What can I do?

In most cases, your landlord cannot terminate the lease. We would be happy to advise you on the best thing to do. Please contact us to discuss your situation.

How do I terminate the lease?

You terminate the lease by sending a termination letter by registered mail to the landlord. You do this at least 1 month before you want the contract to end. On our website you can download a free termination letter. Send this letter on time and by registered mail to the landlord and you will be sure that your rental contract ends on the desired date.

I paid a deposit but did not get it back at the end of the lease. What can I do?

Didn't your landlord refund the security deposit? In most cases, the landlord is required to refund the security deposit. Only when there is demonstrable damage to the rented property caused by you, or when you are in arrears with your rent, can part or all of the deposit be withheld.

Proving damage to the rented property is quite a chore for the landlord. A recording statement must be made at the start of the lease. In most cases, this is missing. Damage to the rented property cannot be proven and the landlord must refund the deposit.

Have you not received your deposit back? Please contact Bumarang. Often we can give you back a large part of the deposit immediately. We will then contact the landlord to recover the full deposit.

Rent reduction

How is the maximum rent of a property calculated?

The rent of a property is subject to strict rules. The maximum rent can be calculated using a point system. This includes the size of the house, its energy efficiency, its facilities and its value under the Valuation of Immovable Property Act.

The amount of points corresponds to a maximum rent. If the rent charged by the landlord is higher than the rent based on the points, the rent can be reduced.

If we suspect that the rent is too high then we start a procedure at the Rent Commission. This is a government agency that can give a binding ruling on the amount of rent. The Rent Commission's ruling is binding. After the Rent Commission's ruling, you can pay the lower rent.

What is Bumarang's revenue model?

We work on a no-cure, no-pay basis. That means we only earn if we can actually lower your rent.

How exactly does that work? We are paid from the rent you overpaid until the Rent Committee's ruling. That amount is for us. Anything you save after the Rent Committee ruling is entirely yours. We ask for the overpaid rent back from the landlord.

What information is needed to receive an offer?

The first step is to send us your lease. Sometimes we need a little more information in addition to that. This is especially about the facilities in the bathroom and kitchen. We then ask you to send some photos. On the basis of the contract and the photos, we will make a more detailed scoring of your home. We then know exactly how we can best help you. Then we will send you an e-mail with more information and a final offer.

What should I do if I don't have a signed version of my lease?

No adjustment.

There are defects in the property. What can I do about this?

Are you suffering from leaks, mold or another defect in your home? Please contact us. We will gladly look at the possibilities to do something about it with you. You are probably entitled to a substantial reduction in the rent. We are happy to help you with this.

I have a new contract, what is possible?

If you are in the first six months of your lease, you can start a procedure with the Rent Commission to lower your rent retroactively. Would you like more information about this? Feel free to contact us. We will be happy to tell you more about the possibilities.

If your contract is older than six months, you can make a proposal for rent reduction. Do you have any questions about this? Please let us know. We will be happy to help you. You can find a sample rent reduction proposal on our website. You can download this form free of charge.

I have already moved. What is possible for me?

For rent, it is not possible to check for old contracts to see if you have overpaid. For the service costs, however, it is still possible. Under the frequently asked questions about service costs you can find more information about the possibilities.

Haven't you moved in yet, but will you be moving in the near future? Then contact us soon. We can see if we can handle your procedure as a matter of urgency.

I have another question

We are available daily via Whatsapp (06) 15 40 13 74, via email or telephone (050) 850 87 10.

Recover service costs

What are service charges?

All charges in addition to the bare rent are service charges. The most common service charges are gas, water and electricity, internet, upholstery and furnishings. Service charges are paid in advance. The landlord has to settle this every year. The service charge statement is an overview of all costs incurred by the landlord.

The landlord is not allowed to make a profit on the service charge. If you have overpaid then you must get this back, even if you have moved out. Especially private landlords overcharge service charges and do not provide a statement. This causes tenants to lose a lot of money. Bumarang helps you recover overpaid service charges.

What is Bumarang's revenue model?

We work on a no-cure, no-pay basis. That means we only earn if we can recover the service charge you overpaid.

How exactly does that work? We get paid from the service charges you overpaid. We make an appropriate offer for each situation.

What information is needed to receive an offer?

Bumarang calculates the service charge offer based on the contents of your lease. It is particularly important here how long the rental period has been and how the rent was composed. It is also important that we get a picture of the living situation.

For the contract costs and mediation costs, we look at the amount paid. In addition, the specific situation plays an important role. Sometimes the letting agent is bankrupt. In that case, the mediation fees cannot be recovered. For mediation and contract fees, it is important that you can prove that you paid the amount. A bank transfer or a receipt are very important for this.

In my contract there are no service charges, is there anything possible for me?

If there are no service charges in your rental contract then you probably pay an all-in price. This is not allowed in the Netherlands, a rent must be split into bare rent and service charges. If you pay an all-in price. If so, we would be happy to look with you at the possibilities of splitting the price. In addition, you may have paid contract or mediation fees. We are happy to make you an offer to get part of this back immediately.

I have already moved. What is possible for me?

It is quite possible to start proceedings for an old lease. In fact, we prefer it. In that case, there is no longer a relationship with the landlord that plays a role. Service charges can be reviewed for reasonableness up to 2.5 years after the year in which you paid the service charge.

So for service charges you paid in 2015, you can start proceedings until July 1, 2018. Service charges paid in 2016 can be reviewed until July 1, 2019. If you have a contract that expired in 2015. Then make sure you have started proceedings by July 1, 2018. Are you too late? Then you can no longer start proceedings for that contract.

I received a service charge statement from the landlord but suspect it is incorrect. What can I do?

Landlords often make mistakes in service charge statements. Common mistakes include the landlord making an incorrect calculation, charging non-agreed cost items, or charging costs that are legally the landlord's responsibility.

Want to know if your settlement statement is correct? Send the settlement statement to us or give us a call. We'll be happy to look at your statement and help you get a correct one.

I have another question

We are available daily via Whatsapp (06) 15 40 13 74, via email or telephone (050) 850 87 10.

Do you have a different question?

    Rent Check

    Calculate for yourself whether you pay too much rent.

    What Others Are Saying

    Anisa Gallagher
    Anisa Gallagher
    I worked with Bumarang last year and they have saved me so much time, money, and stress. A wonderful service that empowers tenants to stand up to unjust landlords and estate agents. I will continue to recommend them!
    Siraj Ahammed
    Siraj Ahammed
    really nice and professional people... they helped me recover my deposit amount and rent reduction, they are straight forward and transparent in all steps.
    Aamir Farooq
    Aamir Farooq
    Jordi H
    Jordi H
    Very good service, friendly people and excellent communication. Back in summer of 2019 I received a letter from Bumarang with the information that my rent was most likely too high and they were willing to assist me. From then we started the procedure, first at the Huurcommissie and later in court, and finally in the end of 2022 the case for me was finished. The procedure was lengthy, fortunately things have changed at the Huurcommissie speeding up the process, however I've always had good contact with Bumarang over the last 4 years. They could inform me about false demands from my landlord. With the back of Bumarang I always felt secure during a sometimes complex legal process. I can definitely recommend Bumarang for legal cases related to rental or service costs!